Correctly Coordinating Cabinetry with Your Hardwood Floors

When’s the last time you saw an example of alliteration? Sorry, back on topic: cabinetry. It’s beginning to be a common trend: matching your hardwood floors with the cabinetry around them, or vice versa. Truth is, this actually works out to be very stylish! The trick is finding the correct ways to coordinate them.

coordinating cabinetry hardwood floors


Contrasting is almost always a go-to option when it comes to designing anything. If you can’t think up something royal and you’ve spent many hours trying to find the right combination then it’s time to take a break, settle down, and look into the magical art of contrast. There are various ways to utilize contrasting, which we touch on below.

Color Wheel

If you have access to a color wheel (they can also be found online) you can use it to your advantage. Take the color of your hardwood floors or cabinet, find it on the color wheel, and see what colors are adjacent to the one you’ve chosen or directly across from what you have chosen. The color you see is what you should select!

Hue Got It!

Here’s a little 101 before we dive into our explanation.

Hue = basic color
Shade = basic color with black added
Tone = basic color with gray added

So here’s the deal. Start with a hue as a base color and then when it comes to your cabinets, begin looking at different shades and tones of that color to see how well they work. Pick the best combination you like! It will help complement everything.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

In other words, whichever hue, shade, or tone your hardwood floors are find the EXACT same color and then apply it to your cabinets. It’s the easiest approach that doesn’t require extensive mental work to figure out. ☺

So whether you decide to contrast, mix things up, or stay the same – we’re sure you will find a combination that meets your tastes and we hope our guide has narrowed your selection down.

We also offer a small guide on selecting the right wall color to match your hardwood floors.